Session Notes: April 2024

Your Session sat for its regular monthly meeting this week.  It was our last called meeting with Pastor Dean, whose contract as our bridge pastor ends this month.  We will miss her.

We began with a conversation about our touchstone text this year, Rev. Joan Gray’s “Sailboat Church”.  We discussed a chapter that examined the radical (for many modern Christians) principle of trusting God’s provision.  Sailboat churches, whose sails are metaphorically filled by the Spirit, exemplify this. 

We mention it now because, regardless of our financial position, the path ahead for Western requires spiritual resources that are in short supply.  It requires a hopeful heart and an abundance of faith.

Which brings us to the Holy Cow survey.  We know that you’re eager to see it and we’re eager to share it.  But no one – neither Session nor congregation – can access the results without interpretation, and we’ve been delayed finding a fitting Sunday.  We think we’ve found an open day, Saturday, April 20. Stay tuned for confirmation.

In other business, we covered several administrative items, all generally positive, but nothing as important as the pastor search and community self-examination.  We thank you for your support and trust as together we work our way through this pivotal time.


A Word from Dean: Nature’s Lessons


A Note from Dean: Time for a Revival